UV Technics, progression, development, design and sales of professional UV technology
Welcome to the web presentation of UV Technics company, which is engaged in the development, construction, installation and sale of high-quality UV technology in many areas, with emphasis on aquaculture, koi and swim ponds, swimming pools, waste water, air condition industry and other industrial fields.
We offer our customers high quality certified products, which are mounted directly in the Czech Republic. All delivered products, we offer a comprehensive range of spare parts and accessories. If necessary, we are able to cope with the installation of UVC systems or directly install.
Of course the warranty and post-warranty service on all delivered equipment, expert advice and consultancy.
If you have any queries, please contact us on the contacts.
Chrudimská 146
53002 Pardubice
Česká Republika
Ing. Jan Adámek - obchod
+420 608 452 275
Ondřej Hurych - obchod
+420 737 385 043
Pavel Bouška - obchod
+420 776 402 327
Tomáš Plch - obchod
+420 734 231 911